Monday, March 31, 2008

oh no!

i was feeling elated about being done and over with tenth grade..
...note the past tense.
in the midst of board fever the fact that i now belong to the alumni society of Sishu Griha school entirely slipped my mind....

well it has come back....
bringing with it a wave of pure pain

i cannot possibly go back as a student( heck! i even joined an alumni association online.. :( )....but memories live on...

i watched rik's video (nice one at that :) )...and decided i would take the risk of uploading the one i made too...

some pictures are highly blurred, especially the ones of the helping hands whom we call 'akkas' meaning elder sister....

that is so because they were taken on the formal graduation day when i was unashamedly sobbing, and it was impossible for me to hold that camera still......

1 comment:

  1. Well, there's one positive thing coming out of all this. The video is something which was made with a lot of passion and is also very good. Sparks all kinda emotions. And you said it yourself - you'll be fine after Sishu Griha. Even if you're not, there are people willing to help.
