Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"With wings folded I rest, on mine airy nest,"

I have noticed , off late, that I have developed a remarkable dislike for sunny days, a love for the sky and a passion towards clouds. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for her, Aditi got to the task first...
No matter, i am putting these pictures up, sowie aditi for the copyright infringement... :p

"For after the rain when with never a stain
The pavilion of heaven is bare,"

"And the winds and sunbeams with their convex gleams
Build up the blue dome of air,"

"I silently laugh at my own cenotaph,
And out of the caverns of rain,"

"Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb,
I arise and unbuild it again."

"And when sunset may breathe, from the lit sea beneath,
Its ardours of rest and of love," "And the crimson pall of eve may fall
From the depth of Heaven above."

Pictures from a flight to Goa, courtesy Tushar ( ze brother :) )

*grins some more*
*the smile fades*
*she gets back to studying*

->oh yeah! tell me whether these pictures were better than the previous ones :p ....


  1. Brilliant pix...
    I loved the sunset ones...
    And of course, i liked mine... ;) :D

  2. hahahaa...infringement of cpoyright laws :P

    I couldnt see a single cloud in the first couple of pictures so I thought this was some joke but the pictures of the sunset are rather gorgeous. yay you :)


    caelum is 'sky' in latin. Did you know that? well now you do. (its also my da username :P )

    Those are all Caelum and by virtue of the fact that I *ahem* am the goddess of the sky (among other things) the pretty purple/pink/blue expanse is mine. ALL MINE.


    (notice how everything ends up being about me :) )

    *I* hope it rains today. Its awfully sunny. yuck.


    that was my bit of sky...
    please oh goddess! grant me that boon. 10 sq. kilometre of sky for me, please?!!!!?

  4. we are merciful. *smiles benevolently*

    the patch is yours o-mortal-of-whom-one-must-not-speak-ill :P

  5. hehe, thanks! i certainly will! you have a very nice blog too.



  6. no coments on the photographs.... i mean no coments on the photographhy.... but the sights are well percieved........

    well tell me one thing.... did u have the lines in mind wen u took the pics or did they come later....?

    i dunnoe.....i'll coment later.... u noe i cant rite wen asked to write...

    On a much lamer note.... if ur wings were folded how did u take the pics.....hahaha.....( sarcasm.)
    (intended inuendo)
    *excuse me fr my spellins...*

  7. IDIOT LEARNT that poem.
    i am talking about the CLOUD when i say "with wings folded i rest.."
    yes, i had the lines in mind while i took the pictures...

    @ aditi
    thank you!
    i bow before you.
    and *you* are allowed to speak ill of me.
    note how sweet i can get when my selfish motives are fulfilled :P

  8. I beg your pardon o mighty one. the girl is after all a mortal . unaware and foolish .. forgive her for her code of conduct.... i will see to it that this never repeats itself.


    I noe u dumdum...

    by percieved i meant that they r well related to....the pics match the lines..... accordin to me tat is................the clouds give u the same feeling as the lines....tats all ...

    8 may be its just fluke ....mybe its my mind but neva mind....keep the compliment...
