Thursday, April 3, 2008

To be an adolescent today...

HOW I wish we could remain innocent little kids all our lives long, or perhaps grow straight from childhood into mature adults…Nature is evil. In certain cases at least.
It’s a horrible age to go through, and go through we must!
It’s almost a crime to grow up in today’s world. One NEVER knows what the right thing to do is. If you try to please your parents, then your peers are inevitably put off, if you try to get along with your friends then the parents pull the long face on you, and if you commit the terrible sin of living life the way YOU want to, you are definitely an Outcast for life.
Where is one to go in times of need? If you go to your friends for advice and consolation then your parents feel you are growing distant, but if you go to your parents for help they will very contemptuously listen to your sob story and then say “We too went through the same phase. I don’t recall having any such problems. The problem with this generation of yours is that you people are materialistic, selfish and utterly immature.” Yeah THANKS! That was just the pick me up that I needed so desperately.
Then comes the matter of our parents having ‘gone through the same age’. If they really did, then why on the face of good earth don’t they remember what it was like? If they DO remember( and so they claim) then why are they acting so mature and grown up all the time, and making us feel miserable?
There is this whole new saga of “responsible parenting”. They try their very best not to pressurise you in academics, they try to understand your manner of functioning, they “understand your psychology”. Yet if you get anything less than 80% back home the reaction is “ ONLY 75%??? * throws you that dirty, reproachful look* But last time you got 85%. It just goes to show you aren’t working. If you go on at this rate you will never get admission into ANY good college or school. You had better start studying unless you want to be a failure in life”. If you ask them for a cell phone they say “I never had one when I was your age!! YEAH! There were NO cell phones when they were my age. Their fathers didn’t own two cars and flats and what not when they were in their forties!! Infact they STILL do not! If you like gadgets and shopping then you are termed materialistic. Especially if your choice in goods is not the same as the parent in question. It is no matter that they too used to beg for money to go shopping when they were kids. And if this fact is mentioned to them, they say that they asked for only tiny bits of money not like us demanding cash in hundreds and thousands…WELL?? They finished their education in some 200 bucks, and HECK they earn more than 200 bucks a DAY now… are we expected to take an ‘anna’ from them to go shopping at a mall? Perhaps somebody would fall in love with the antique piece and trade it for a couple of hundred rupees?
Then comes the “learn from my own childhood” lecture. Going by what they seem to say and think of their maturing years, they were either angels straight from heaven or they are pretty good at writing fiction. They try to understand the language we use, but everytime one says ‘Dude’ they flinch!
Why can’t ANYBODY realise that we DO NOT enjoy being rebellious, neither are we trying to get them riled. It’s just that time when we question EVRYTHING and we will not do anything without some sensible( according to us) reason. And we are NOT duffers nor devils. We weren’t born just to create havoc, neither do we want to purposefully antagonize people. We are expected to do all the adjusting, WE being the youngsters and the inexperienced brats have to do as our parents say, WE have to manage to live with our friends and peers, WE have to shine academically as well as do brilliantly in everything we try. Sometimes I wonder why not dispose of kids and hire well programmed robots instead? They would be much less trouble. In public its us who are embarrassments to our parents if we behave weirdly, but their behaviour in front of our friends does not change?
Its all about which perspective one looks at it. For an adult reading this thing, I have just about written a whole bunch of balderdash, but for me it is TRUE in its entirety. Life is not all that bad, adolescence is not only about disagreements, but yes- it seems to have found its place in my daily life. A lecture a day is usual, two- not abnormal….one had just got to live with it I suppose.
I just wish people would figure out that beauty is in the eye of the viewer (ok I MIGHT have distorted that saying a bit..)…in my peer groups I am perfectly normal, but for my parents I am a rebellious young wart.
Funny, but I guess they would have been rebellious young warts to their parents while they were growing up.

On that note I conclude this rant. What can I do about it anyway???

please note, the opinions expressed here are entirely my own, and you are free to agree or disagree!!


  1. Ur best piece yet....nd i think the adults should be able to understand this if they read this...and at least u learn how to go through difficult and frustrating issues in adolescence which acts as a preparatory for adulthood.
