Sunday, July 27, 2008

bring out the champagne folks.!.!.!

SMUN 2008.
was fun
note the past tense.
i miss smun.


on the 24th of July, ninni decides its finally time for her to print all her data out. she begins to do so. 3 pages done. power cut. the hapless gal has no inverter or UPS. therefore printing cancelled.
the lil nitwit curses and promptly falls asleep at the comp table.
wakes up at 2 am on the 25th of July.
curses some more.
the computer has booted. she is happy. happiness is short lived. ALL the files that she had so painstakingly put together for SMUN 2008 are deleted from hard disk.
cries a little more than a little bit. everything seems to be going wrong. hapless girl will not mention the rest of everything.
till she goes in for a bath that morning she spends her time trying to find her data again. she goes for the first day of SMUN unfortunately ill prepared.
reaches there early as usual.
looks around. sees no known faces. therefore sets about making unknown faces known.
takes a couple of pictures for people..
looks at the way everyone is dressed. feels under prepared, horribly dressed and fat :(
not to mention sad.
and sleepy.
the inauguration begins.
spirit lifts...girl is with people she knows.
inauguration ends. Chief guest speech was good. not the usual boring ones.
girl notes that Sukrita Chatterji has a nice voice, especially while in prayer. comforting voice :)
sophia has a lovely auditorium :)
moves to language room.
no power. the dim lighting suits the girl just fine.
realises that germany, ally and friend is seated beside her.
spirit soars( for a little while)
session begins.
china seems well prepared. is well prepared actually.
girl takes some time to realise what is happening. nearly forgets to put her name on General Speakers List.
China seems excessively well prepared. Girl seeths at the thought that she too was just as informed, but had no printed proof. therefore keeps shut.
speaks once. a tentative step towards enjoyment.
speaks twice.
chief guest walks in. girl is struck dumb.
chief guest walks out.
girl starts talking again.
power comes back on.
girl realises that the pen given to her was BRIGHT green, and was rightly named BRIGHT!!
girl talks a lot after that.
realises that Chair is cutely dressed. and also realises that chair is refusing to recognise her, so that others could talk.
first milestone reached.
she SPOKE! a little excessively, so says chair during tea break.
rest of the day passed in a great deal of enjoyment, and chair continued to ignore the Delegate Of France.
delegate unhappy.
sends the bench a message reminding them of her existance.
delegate is recognised.
delegate blabbers about things about which she has no proof what so ever.
stammers ever so slightly. yet delegate of iran( target :D ) seems to be blustering.
good. yet delegate of iran comes back with a vengeance.
DELEGATE OF CHINA. go bury your head in a cauldron full of boiling water.!
delegate of iran comes back with the same sort of vengeance a little too many times. arguments are sounding vague and boring.
delegate goes up on dias to speak.
nearly falls asleep due to boredom caused by her own address. yields to comments, though she meant to yield to questions.
delegate of switzerland questions her. rephrases to a statement.
delegate of france had NO clue what so ever about what was just said.
yet submits a written statement to the chair, picking up points from Switzerland's own statement. Chair seems convinced.
In all the talking and story telling, girl forgets to start moderated caucus on the topics she had handpicked.
is of the opinion that the next day would NOT just be substantive session.
stoopid, loony toon of a girl.
next day she gets a rude shock when secretary general states that tabled debate would NOT be resumed.
resigns herself to her fate.
talks some more.
switzerland is picked on, by everybody. Sukrita looks as though she would like to give the poor guy a nice lil hug :) awwwww <3
then disaster strikes.
press picks on her poor( NOT) nation.
delegate has NO idea what so ever about the topic of discussion.
her eyes are burning with sleep. delegate has not touched bed since 23rd of july.
delegate blabbers BULLCRAP till the spokesperson of press decides that the ill prepared delegate will neither admit defeat nor make any sense. therefore she orders the delegate to be seated.
the delegate of switzerland and israel seem very amused at the delegate's lame excuses.
disaster number 2 strikes.
the crisis situation HAD to be on the franco-swiss-german border. germany was absent due to momma's worry about bomb blasts.
chair flashes an evil grin at delegate of France and states with obvious pleasure that france being germany's closest ally would have to speak for and take blame for germany.
the world body erupts in wierd talk.
france/germany makes a bunch of statements that evoke laughter and a couple of points well made... :)
czech republic (that arse) is suspended due to his wishful thinking and violent mind.
resolution is drafted.
delegate of france again realises the problems of wearing heels and being fat.
heels are tantamount to stamping on others and causing pain, and vice versa.
being fat => one feels VERY squished.
resolution is passed with over whelming majority :)
substantive debate continues.
delegate is sleeping.
not really
is grilling iran again.
iran is making the same lame excuses.
chair shifts attention to Switzerland. wonder WHY!!! :)
the chair is ragged by delegates about the evident emotional link up between the delegate of switzerland and her.
the delegate of france notes with pleasure that the chair smiles and blushes. then makes a show of being impartial. no one is fooled.
the substantive session resumes.
resolution UNESCO01/01 passes.
delegates applaud for themselves.
it all ends.
it didn't personally go as well as the Delegate of France had wished it to go, yet the delegate had an amazing time. SMUN took her mind off pressing matters that were causing her a heartache.
now they have returned.
and SMUN is over
the trophy and the BRIGHT!!! green pen remain....
and a brain full of memories.

note: the delegate intends to include an entire post on the motions to entertain soon.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The case of the missing pencil case

yeah you did read that right.
the case of the missing pencil case...all my life i have taken my "box" for granted. it was always full of nice pens and a whole jamboree of other things that stationery freaks are crazy about.. i really didn't think it could wreak any havoc in my life....ah! i am proven wrong again.
Its been flicked. cold heartedly. and my mom thinks it my fault. The results of having lost a pencil case are :
1. you miss it :(
2. people think you are plain wierd coz you go on whining about it :(
3. if you have a mom like mine, the loss somehow becomes your fault. you were supposed to have known that this was to have happened and you should have removed everything from it. wonder why take it at all then....
4. your mom grounds you, refuses to let you go get a new set of pens and pencils and the like...and you really don't know what to do..since the pens you have at home are not ones that you like using.
5. you realise that the pen you need to complete your practs( and they won't let you use anything else) was in it when it was flicked. it follows in logical succession that you are blasted in school and no one believes that your mom refused to let you buy a new pen.
6. and you are desperately miserable. and you have no outlet for your freaky grief but a blog which no one reads.
a lovely warm fuzzy feeling is flooding me. yeah right!
damn it, can't anyone realise that you did not hold it out n say "here! flick it!!" that you really are not jobless enough to make up lame excuses like mine for physics practs and that you totally HATE the freak of nature who flicked it.

damn it all, i shall never lend anything to anybody again in my life.

am appy happy! i got it back :) lol, nasty naughty dirty stinky cute lil boys gave it back!!