Monday, March 24, 2008

frolics on the way back home....

these pictures, under normal circumstances, would cause me to die of embarassment...
then why on the face of good earth am i putting them up??...because the fact that these days are over...irreversibly over, causes me to do so...
these images have not been taken keeping any technical aspects in focus..they were taken on the road and in an auto-rickshaw on the way back home from school. Friday being our last exam, we will no longer be the 'fearsome foursome' who went home together from school everyday...we are all going our different ways, but aditi (nono not the sophia one :P ) sob, shil....i swear i'm NEVER going to be able to forget our rides back home, the wierd conversations, the moments of extreme emotions (which inevitably scared the driver..) nor the hilarious fights....
let the memories live on!

trying to catch an auto....not happening though...

we were soooo tired that he sat down on the road...and got up pretty quickly too.. :P

on the foot path, shilpa, moi and sobby..

shil, dits and a very embarassed sob

well. its us.... :D

still auto in sight... :(

YEAH! caught one, and are inside it!!!!
on another fine day, waiting for a bus in the bus stand...thought we'd gain some experience..unfortunately the bus didn't turn up! :(asleep at a bus stop
the meter is a forgotten device.people STARE nowdays if you ask them to go by the's a norm not to!.!
BAD man! so he gets the five horn effect!!!
thats it for now.... :)
DON'T laugh at us.....

or can if you want to.. :D

1 comment:

  1. hehehe...
    nice 1's...
    k, lookin at dis & yer earlier skoo; pix, i thin k i'll put my pix up on my blog as well...;) :P
