Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello World.

It's the new year. 1/1/'11 marks the end of the period within which I could meet schoolmates and say "Shit! The beginning of this year we were in school!" And that seems like a very weird situation.

Ah well, I'll get over it.

I'm not so much of a resolution person, but I noticed that I'd made one in my last post. I think I'd like to carry that on. I shall be myself. Drat. Change that: I shall be a slightly less lazy version of myself. I must exercise. Else I shall soon cease to fit into chairs.

The new year began well. Family time plus friends plus long walk plus my first ever journey on a bus step. =) Quite the ideal day. Let us hope the rest of the year proceeds like this.

Oh, I also solemnly swear to not let my blog die and wait for five months before resurrecting it. Continuity. That lack of laziness is the key. Then again, can I truly be myself if I quit being lazy when laziness is an integral part of my being? I suppose not. Let's see. If my pristine self gets rashes at the idea of assiduousness, I shall quickly drop the idea.

Pip pip! =)

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