Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some things deserve saying.

This little blog post is dedicated to someone who has often left me feeling annoyed, insulted and stupid. Someone who has an uncanny ability to make your day by saying something semi-nice to you in this terribly nonchalant manner. Someone you often just cannot fathom and someone who's sometimes an open book. A person whom I would love to get to know, while she barely survives our coexistence in law school. A person who exhorts one to live by one's ideals regardless of how impractical that may be. A person whose first ever communication with me went like: "Please stop making that noise or I'll kill you." Someone who is human enough to get defensive if 'prodded' and to retaliate brutally yet capable of ignoring the altercation in all future conversations. Someone who types as though each key is to be pressed after a treasure hunt of sorts yet someone who replies to practically every mail you send to her, regardless of the triviality of the mail. Someone with whom incessant badgering, late night or early morning text messages (or all text messages, for that matter), tongue in cheek responses are all supposed to be forbidden liberties, but someone who calls up early in the morning to seek 'revenge' for the late night message and doesn't ever let on that this practice certainly isn't the norm. Someone who teaches but doesn't take over your mind. Someone who scolds and then appends a 'dear' to soothe the ache. Someone who complains non stop about being forced to listen to tonnes of rants yet always lends an ear. A person whose knowledge actually enthuses you to read some more of that obtuse, unintelligible mumbo-jumbo. Someone, when unhappy, makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable and sad. Someone who has come to mean a lot to me despite the minimal time I've spent here. Someone whom I can't tolerate being insulted by incompetent fools wearing a garb of authority. Someone we call a lot of names, the most acceptable on a public forum being Professor Dhanda.
Much love.

I'm not really good at doing this emotion thing, ok. So please excuse my style or the lack of it.  


  1. I know you must have whole ocean of emotions and feelings and thoughts you want to write which you havent already.
    You did it right. Ninny.
    If I had been a teacher, this would have completed my purpose.
    Creating a difference + Boundless freedom
    Keep writing. More and More

  2. Ninny, you said what we have all deeply felt.
