Tuesday, September 23, 2008


when you go to see, most of my blogs have been related to academics in some way or the other!

wonder why?!?

so then, those dratted things began sometime back, and are well on their way to completion. Only one thing remained static through all of it - I messed up.

i seem to have lost total interest in education as we see it... if someone tells me that i ruined what could have been an amazing paper, i really don't react.

I speak for myself, but i'm sure there are more like me who just don't feel like continuing the ritual grind of mugging up data and throwing it up onto a bit of paper. Many who are as disillusionised as i am about our education system...Many who just feel like giving up.

Perhaps i don't have enough will power in me, or i'm plain lazy... yet when it comes to non academic stuff i seem to be able to concentrate well enough.... why is it that i just don't feel like studying anymore.? The answer is simple enough. No one really cares whether you understand something or not; no one gives a hoot about your depth of comprehension...all that people want is that you know your text book off by heart, and are able to reproduce that onto your paper.

this, i am afraid, is beyond me. If i ask a teacher too many doubts, she either thinks i am wasting time, or trying to test her. Is it absolutely impossible that a student ask a teacher questions for the simple reason of trying to understand what is happening in class? Or are they evil little twits that were born to irritate the almighty Teacher?

If i go on at this rate all that will happen is that i will not get into any premier institution. Does that matter as much as it is made out to be? People can excel no matter where they study, so why the rat race towards only a few institutions in the world? Yes, they may be well established, yet there too it's a student's work that counts....

the other day a teacher told me " If you continue studying like this you will not get into IIT" when will it start occuring to people that people may have dreams beyond IIT, people may not necessarily wish to do engineering, people may have soft skills.

For that matter, why is a soft skill called so? what really is so "soft" about it? As far as I know, it takes much more guts to get up on stage and deliver a speech than to go write an exam where you are one among so many. Both require work, both are difficult in their own right. then Why are toppers equivalent to God, while that girl-who-speaks-well should have concentrated on her studies?

The sciences are subjects that only the intelligent understand, while arts are for those who are not up to the sciences...

What, prithee, would you write your research papers in without a basic knowledge of language? They complement each other, do they not? Then why such a segregation? why is one asked their math and science marks, but no one ever says " Please do well in English its essential for your survival in today's world"?

i know i am ranting, and i also know that i will, soon after, get back to studying a science subject... but all i ask you, reader, is to enjoy whatever you enjoy, and for heavens sake don't make another feel inferior for the simple reason that their source of enjoyment is different.

good bye.


  1. I have reason to believe that there's noone outside you who can relate to this piece of writing as much as me. They're problems i've suffered all my life. I once asked if diamond could be converted in to graphite and was laughed at, without being given a solution. And oh yea, you know how my english is. despite my english knowledge and command, i failed in three out of five exams in ninth in english......no wonder people dont ask you for good eng marks.....in science u mug up formulae, here u do the same to wat brutus or caesar said. jimble.

  2. nono
    as you well know, i intend to do law and follow it up with journalism. i get the same comments that you mentioned on a regular basis. it is as though its an impossibility for someone to have varied interests....its a lot like, if i tell someone that i have learnt bharatnatyam for 8 years, the first thing that hits me is that they are looking me up and down and its as though they are literally SCREAMING "BUT you are FAT!". its such a fixed notion that dancers are all pretty slim creatures with lovely tiny waists( female)....

  3. wah..ninni..no one thinks ur fat n all..ahh i miss those days (dancing away to glory)..:( .. :P...it was tonnes of fun while it lasted though...

    hmmm.. i can totally relate to this one...i've lost interest in exams all togather...honestly the concept just doesn't sink in does it...its like senselessly learning things that humanity figures out by observing its surrounding n then vomitting the same thing on sheets of paper..those damn numbers on that belittling sheet define who u r apparently...as in the words of my english tchr-"a nameless,faceless script"..tsk tsk..Our teacher once prepared an answer key to the term paper giving the page numbers on which the answers could be found! .. *annoyed tone*..why can't we just say refer to the text for details on our papers...

    it still helped to some level though..

    *reflecting* ahh .. this confounded nature of mine will never cease ...

  4. damnit all!
    why anonymous you goat!?!
    i have ZILCH idea as to who you are, anjana?!?
    jeez, if you own a name mention it please!!!

  5. hehe...pig is more like it.. :P ... nyway u won the guessing game.. :) ..
